Lectio Divina Monthly Practice
Next Meeting: 8 February 2023 // 8:00pm
When: Wednesday 8pm t0 9pm
Where: Online (via Zoom)
Kowloon Union Church (KUC) will host a time of reflection on the second Wednesday of every month from 8pm to 9pm. These reflections will take place online via Zoom. Please register in advance, so we can plan accordingly and send you the Zoom link to join the meeting.
During the time of reflection, we will participate in the spiritual practice of Lectio Divina together as a small group. Lectio Divina means "sacred reading" in Latin, and it is an ancient monastic practice that invites us to read through Scripture together and hear what God might be inviting us into as individuals and a community. We hope this monthly reflection will be a time to draw closer to God and to one another as we engage Scripture together.
If you are interested in learning more about Lectio Divina, we have compiled a resource here that you can reference in preparation for our monthly practice together or for use in your own devotional or discernment processes. For any questions, please email Carl: carl.catedral@gmail.com